September 30, 2021
Souper lunchtimes

As the weather has turned more autumnal this last week I’m looking forward to  having nourishing home-made soup for lunch to fill me up and keep me warm.  There’s lots of lovely autumn veg to choose from to use for soup and it's a great way to get a couple of portions of veg into […]

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September 23, 2021
The Eyes have it

Preventing the nasty complications of type 2 diabetes is a subject really close to my heart.  I couldn’t imagine losing my sight through diabetes and being unable to read, drive, cycle or make my craft projects.  This is why I’m so passionate about helping people make the changes needed to avoid conditions such as glaucoma, […]

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September 17, 2021
5 non-food strategies for type 2 diabetes

This week I am so pleased to be able to share my second conversation with Lynne Reedman of DUET diabetes. We talk about non-food ways of managing type 2 diabetes including stress, sleep, movement, self care and planning - things that are important for all of us whether we have diabetes or not. So make […]

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September 9, 2021
Organic September and Diabetes

Organic September sees the promotion of organic food for a variety of reasons: better animal welfare, reduced carbon emissions from farming and better biodiversity to name a few.  But I want to talk about the use of pesticides on the food we eat and how they can impact type 2 diabetes.    The liver is an […]

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September 2, 2021
Back to school

It's time to get ready to go back to school with new uniforms, pencil cases and PE kits.  But now, more so than ever, the back to school routine (or back to work or simply being out and about for that matter) should include thinking about supporting the immune system. As discussed in a previous […]

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August 13, 2021
The importance of relaxing

Getting away from it all can be a great stress buster.  Whether that’s a holiday abroad, in the UK or simply losing yourself in a book or music at home you can be improving your health whilst relaxing.  In fact, relaxing is one of the best things you can do for your health! Stress is […]

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August 5, 2021
Can diabetics eat cookies? Here's one you can!

So you might think it’s a bit odd for a nutritional therapist to be talking about cookies.  But many people with type 2 diabetes see food as their enemy and struggle with what they can and can’t eat.  A healthy diet for anyone, including people with type 2 diabetes, should focus on lots of colourful […]

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July 30, 2021
The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is a super important vitamin that is crucial for bone health as it works alongside calcium to strengthen bones. Without an adequate intake of vitamin D there is an increased risk of osteoporosis as we get older leading to possible fractures.  Vitamin D is also used within the immune system so during these […]

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July 22, 2021
The keys to a long and healthy life

Because the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games are about to start I have been thinking about Japan and what we might be able to learn from the Japanese way of life.   Okinawa in the south of Japan is home to one of the societies around the world renowned for having a healthy population, having the world's […]

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July 16, 2021
What is the best thing to improve your health?

We all know that giving up smoking (or not starting) is a great way to improve health.  But did you know that food related problems, as shown below in red, could have a BIGGER effect overall than smoking?  The good news is that by changing your diet all of those conditions in red can be […]

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