Rachel Page

Zingy Orange Cake

March 31, 2022

On Sunday I was a lucky enough mum to be made this gorgeous gluten-free orange cake by one of my sons. Because it doesn’t contain any flour it is lower in carbs than many cakes.  Instead, it uses ground almonds which, along with the eggs, contain protein.  This makes it more filling than ordinary cakes so reducing craving for more sweetness later.  But the absolute best thing about this cake is that it is delicious!


Zest a large orange, keep the zest for later.

Place the zested orange in a saucepan, cover with water and simmer for around 2 hours.  Remove from the pan and cool slightly before whizzing with a stick blender (or chop very finely with a knife).

Whisk 3 eggs and 140g caster sugar until pale and doubled in volume.  

Fold in 150g ground almonds, a rounded teaspoon of baking powder and the orange puree and zest.

Pour into a lined, 20cm square tin and bake (190/fan170/gas mark 5) for around 25 minutes or until set.

Remove from the oven and glaze with a tablespoon of warmed marmalade for a lovely sticky, zingy finish.  Serves 8.

Serve warm with a dollop of Greek yogurt or (if it lasts that long) it is equally lovely cold

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