Rachel Page

Kickstart your Summer Programme

June 16, 2022

If you want to feel lighter and brighter in time for the summer why not join me for 14 days to Kickstart your Summer?

The programme, though it only lasts two weeks, is powerful. It’s designed for periods when you want to press the reset button and kickstart healthy eating habits.

You won’t be living on prison rations or weird foods you can only buy in health food stores. All my programmes are based on REAL FOOD. They include good quality sources of protein, slow-release carbs to keep your energy levels constant, healthy fats and plenty of fruit and veg. All the things a great diet is made up of.

Quite simply, this way of eating is a great way to get back on track with your diet, regain control of what you eat – as well as the more traditional benefits like gaining more energy, feeling healthier, sleeping better – and much more!

This is perfect for you if you know your diet and lifestyle needs a little TLC, if you’ve been struggling with niggling symptoms of ill health, and if you want to just feel like a better version of yourself. The 14-Day Kickstart your Summer Programme starts on 27 June and costs just £59. For more details and to book your place, visit https://bit.ly/3xMDEt9 or scan the QR code.

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