Rachel Page

Happy Hearts

February 10, 2022

Whether you're a full on romantic or you avoid it completely there's no getting away from seeing hearts in the run up to Valentine's day.  But maybe the heart we should be focusing on is our own one!  Top tips for a healthy heart include keeping active, not smoking, watching cholesterol levels, managing weight and eating a healthy diet including lots of colourful vegetables and eating the right sort of healthy fats.

This yummy chocolate pot recipe is made with avocado (yes, really!) for some healthy fats and flavoured with cocoa which is rich in heart loving polyphenols.  

Share it with someone for happy hearts.

Place the flesh of a very ripe large avocado into a food processor with a dessertspoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of high quality cocoa powder.  Whizz until you get a thick, mousse-like dessert.  If it is a little too thick you can add a little full fat Greek yogurt to soften it.  Chill for at least 30 minutes.  Serve with strawberries, raspberries or both.

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