Rachel Page

Get ready for asparagus season

April 21, 2022

Grab some British asparagus during its short season.  One of the signs of spring is the arrival of British asparagus in shops and markets.   Although asparagus can be bought all year round, for the best flavour, freshness and nutrition (as well as reducing food miles) choose seasonal British asparagus.

Benefits include vitamins C, A, K and folate whilst being low in calories.  It contains fibre which helps to fill you up and supports a healthy digestive system. Asparagus also contains a healthy helping of antioxidants which help to protect your cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress (which contribute to chronic disease and ageing!)

To retain the most nutrients eat asparagus raw in salads or lightly steamed.  It's also really lovely roasted or griddled in olive oil.  Try dipping the griddled spears in poached or boiled eggs for a tasty protein rich breakfast that starts your day with a vegetable portion too!

Asparagus roasted with lemon
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