Rachel Page

Fancy a trip to the Mediterranean?

May 20, 2021

Well, I can’t change the travel advice at the moment but I can help you get a taste of it to brighten up the chilly, damp days we seem to be having this week.

The Mediterranean diet has some great health benefits but I don't mean pasta and pizza.  I’m talking about a diet rich in vegetables, nuts, seeds, oily fish, beans, pulses and olive oil.  You can also include moderate amounts of poultry, eggs, cheese and yogurt, even a little red meat and red wine occasionally! 

So think eggs and mushrooms with spinach for breakfast, Greek salad with feta cheese and extra virgin olive oil for lunch and seared salmon with steamed green vegetables for dinner. 

Or try this recipe for chicken breasts stuffed with sage, walnuts, olives and garlic (serves 4):

4 small chicken breasts, preferably organic

150g pitted olives

Garlic to taste (I use 3-4)

A handful of fresh sage leaves

100g of walnuts (or pine nuts)

Light olive oil

Slit open the chicken breasts down one side or make a few deep scores across the top.

Put the remaining ingredients in a small bowl and blitz with a stick blender (or you can finely chop them).  Add enough olive oil to make a soft paste.  

Stuff the chicken and put any extra mixture over the top.

Roast in a preheated oven (180o) for around 20 minutes or until cooked through.  

Serve hot with a pile of steamed vegetables or cold (cut into slices) with a salad.

And lets all hope the weather improves!

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