Nourishing both body and mind by eating the correct balance of real food for your personal requirements.
Looking after yourself is crucial as stress can interfere with blood sugar levels, cause cravings and lead to unhelpful food choices wich can affect brain performance.
Incorporating the right amount of activity and exercise for you into your daily and weekly routine.
Sleep and relaxation are part of the whole-body approach to bring about a calmer, more confident you.
Nourishing both body and mind by eating the correct balance of real food for your personal requirements. This is the right level of protein, fats and carbohydrates along with essential nutrients including vitamins D, E, C and B complex and minerals including chromium and magnesium.
Incorporating the right amount of activity and exercise for you into your daily and weekly routine. Exercise improves insulin sensitivity helping to balance blood sugar control as well as improving energy levels and helping with appropriate weight management.
Looking after yourself is crucial for diabetes management as stress can interfere with blood sugar levels. Self-care and stress management are important to manage your condition.
Sleep and relaxation are part of the whole-body approach to regaining control of your blood sugar levels.
Under pinning all other elements is getting set for success by planning. This can include meal planning and organising grocery shopping. Being accountable to someone for your actions and completing a regular journal to track the other elements can be helpful tools.